About the Program
Wharton Women’s Circles is a groundbreaking program designed to facilitate personal and professional connections among Wharton alumnae. The School thoughtfully matches small groups of diverse Wharton women that meet once a month, virtually, over the course of six months.
Circles are open to alumnae from Wharton’s full-time MBA, Executive MBA, and Undergraduate programs and are currently offered on the East and West Coasts of the United States.
Open houses are being held on Wednesday, September 20, 2023 – These one-hour, virtual events are the introduction to Wharton Women’s Circles. You will learn important details about the structure of Circles, the application process, and the matching process. Alumnae must attend one virtual open house event to be eligible to participate in the program.
Learn more at the program and register for the open house on the Wharton Women's Circles website here